Do Not Put Away The Pretty
So to help make sure your outfits stay pretty year round, here are some lovely items to be sure to keep in your closet.

M Loves M
Okay…this one may not work for everyone, but if you live in an area of the country where the temperature allows you to sometimes wear shoes that don’t entirely cover your feet…take advantage of it. Here are some really nice wedges as shown by The Blonde Salad.

The Blonde Salad
I’m really loving all the lace this year. But there’s no need to put it away now that we’re into fall…even if you live in freezing temperatures. Just wear the lovely material with some tights if it’s a skirt or a dress, a warm sweater if its in the form of pants or a cardigan if it happens to be a blouse. Here’s a nice skirt option from Breakfast at Katy with an olive chiffon blouse and a brown leather envelope bag.

Breakfast at Katy
Ahhh…this blouse found on I Offer is so me. And this is something you could easily layer under several items even in the coldest of temperatures. I love the shoulder ruffles, don’t you?

Vogue Mould Bud Sleeve Chiffon Blouse
The lace bodice on this LBD featured on Be Frassy is so pretty and this has to be one of the cutest dresses I’ve seen in a long time. With holiday party season quickly approaching, a lace number like this is a definite must!

Be Frassy
In my opinion, a flowy polka dot blouse screams femininity. Polka dots in general remind me of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis and Audrey Hepburn and we all know those two were absolute icons of feminine.

The Pink Peonies
This bow belted trench as seen on Young Sophisticates is so creative yet so simple it’s brilliant. This is a perfect way to keep the pretty going through the cold.

Young Sophisticates
A friend Pinned this sweater on Pinterst and I simply fell in love. It’s so so so feminine and something I would absolutely wear. What about you?

Again, with holiday season around the corner you need to start thinking about all those parties. And why not change it up and instead of wearing black, red or gold…go with a soft flowy dress like this. You’ll be sure to catch everyone’s attention…in a good, good way!

Crush Cul de Sac
Ahhh…in my opinion, Wendy from Wendy’s Lookbook can do no wrong. Here she is in a super feminine and chic outfit that is still perfect for the cool weather. I’m so lovin’ the pants!

Wendy’s Lookbook
The rule of not wearing white after Labor Day was thrown out the window long ago. So I say embrace it with white and cream from head to toe!

The Berry
This lace blouse from Sincerely Sweet Boutique caught my eye and I knew I had to post it as a pretty must keep for fall. I mean, who would ever want to put something this pretty away?

Sincerely Sweet Boutique
And finally…don’t forget about putting something feminine and pretty in your hair!

Young Sophisticates
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