Note that many of the following 802.11 (Wi-Fi) tools could be listed
in several categories. However, each tool appears in our list only once,
under its primary category. For example, if all you want to do is to find APs,
choose a Discovery tool. If you want to find APs AND analyze captured Wi-Fi
packets, choose a Wi-Fi Traffic Analyzer. If you want to find APs and monitor
Wi-Fi traffic observed by a network of sensors (or APs), choose a WIPS. And so on.
Wi-Fi AP Discovery Tools
Wi-Fi Connection Managers
Wi-Fi Raw Packet Capture Tools
Wi-Fi Traffic Analyzers
VoWiFi Traffic and QoS Analyzers
Wi-Fi Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems
Wi-Fi Predictive Planning Tools
Wi-Fi Site Survey Heatmapping Tools
Bluetooth Security Tools
Mobile Wi-Fi Spectrum Analyzers
Wi-Fi Endpoint Security Clients
Wi-Fi Vulnerability Scanners and Assessment Toolkits
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