High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program
Video's Exposed

Busted!! H.A.A.R.P Weaponized? Shocking Video! Share This Before Its Shut Down! 2014 Skander Gharbi of Tunisia Captures A Strange Circular formation of Clouds, what could have formed this could phenomenon. Original Link To Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBO_8Yb_BGw&feature=youtu.be

HAARP Exercise Over CA? Strange Glowing Clouds! Explained? 2015 Mountain view/Sunnyvale ca 6:30 am 1/31/15

Quote From Adam Who Submitted Video "I saw this on my commute this morning. Clear skies all around minus this cloud formation which was brown on the left side blue and white towards middle and red near ends. Really interesting looking. I've also seen ufos near this location in the past. My work is right at the exit of the video and Moffet Field is just minutes away. I have some videos of what I thought were ufos too."

Massive Organic Biological UFO Hovers Over Earth? NASA Evidence 2015 Discovered By UFO Hunter Streetcap1 Apollo 10 Mission in 1969!

Streetcap1 Channel Check him out! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChMP5nRHcz0RxoMm0qRR2uw

Mothership Lights Up Arizona 2015! Incredible footage Just In Watch Now! Quote From Eyewitness "I saw this ufo while driving. It was moving south over the Estrella Mountains. The lights were a fiery color. What is not visible in the video is the shape of the craft and the massive size of it. After it disappeared we continued to drive in the direction it was headed, eventually driving behind the mountain but saw nothing. Thank you for asking and its totally fine! We want this to get more attention because there were so many sightings in the area of this event. The local news here did a story showing a picture but not our video. The news tried to say they were an air force flare drop but that's what they said about the Phoenix lights. My fiance was taking pictures for awhile before she started filming. I don't know what kind of flares can stay in unison without eventually falling toward the ground! Thanks again!"

Original Video link To Green Grey Channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQaf9rDuRTo

UFO Sightings [WORMHOLE] Over California!!! UFO Aftermath Captured! Enhanced Video 2015! Sophon Submitted UFO Footage from Stockton CA 2015 Eyewitness from the general Area reported a large UFO event That lasted for over 5 minutes. Eyewitnesses were stunned as the craft suddenly Shot up into the sky that left A plasma wake in the clouds~Is this a wormhole time jump captured on camera?

Thirdphaseofmoon is looking for the best UFO footage Shot by People Like you from Around The World! Upload your ufo Video To Youtube, Then Copy Paste The Link To My Email! cousinsbrothersproductions@gmail.com Keep Your Eyes on the Skies! We are not Alone!

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