Corpse Pose (savasana)

The Corpse Pose is an excellent posture that can be used between poses that allows total relaxation. Simply let the muscles relax, feel the circulation of prana throughout the system and be attuned to cosmic energies. This pose can also be practiced any time when one requires a few minutes of total rest and relaxation. If desired, one can watch the breathing rhythm and inwardly chant the mantra of one's choice.


Lie down on your back, in a quiet place. Place the arms beside the body, palms upturned. Keep heels slightly apart. Breathe slowly and deeply, feeling a sense of calm relaxation come over your whole body. Concentrate on loosening all tensions.
The following variation will increase your ability to relax:

  1. Slowly inhale through the nostrils (always breathe through the nostrils during yoga, since the tiny hairs strain out impurities) and tense the ankles, feet and toes. Hold the breath while you tighten the muscles. Exhale and relax.
  2. Slowly inhale and contract the kneecaps, calves, ankles, feet and toes. Hold and tighten. Exhale and relax.
  3. Slowly inhale, contracting all the muscles of the abdomen, pelvic area, hips, thighs, kneecaps, calves, ankles, feet and toes. Hold the breath and tighten the muscles. Exhale and relax.
  4. Inhale. Tense the neck, shoulders, arms and elbows, wrists, hands and fingers, chest muscles, down to the toes. Hold and tense. Exhale and relax.
  5. Inhale and contract the scalp, the tiny muscles of the face, the forehead; squint the eyes, wrinkle the nose and mouth, tighten the tongue, constrict the throat and tighten the whole body. Hold and feel the terrible tension. Exhale and relax. Now, let the strain melt into the floor. Feel heavy. Enjoy the support of the floor. Sense the tingling of fresh circulation, the new muscle tone and emotional calm.
  1. Stimulates blood circulation and exercises inner organs.
  2. Alleviates fatigue, nervousness, neurasthenia (a general worn-out feeling), asthma, constipation, diabetes, indigestion, insomnia, lumbago.
  3. Teaches mental concentration

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