Locust posture (shalabhasana)

This is an exceptional posture in that it requires a sudden movement. It is like the cobra posture but raising the feet instead of the head. It can therefore be used, occasionally only, instead of the cobra.


  1. Lie face down with arms at the side, hands palms down, elbows slightly bent (fingers pointing towards the feet).
  2. Then suddenly raise the legs and thighs (and body if possible) off the ground. Only the chin, shoulders and chest should touch the ground.
  3. Hold the position for 1 second.

This exercise may be done about half a dozen times with safety. Don't hold the breath and the pose too long if it feels uncomfortable.


After finishing this posture, the breathing will be rather rapid. Do not repeat the posture until the acceleration of the breathing has diminished.


  1. This posture has a good effect on the pelvis and the abdomen.
  2. The muscles of the back are developed.
  3. Improves the general circulation in the lower limbs.

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