Basic Yoga Poses That Make You Feel Fantastic

The practice of yoga can do wonders for your overall mood, physique and peace of mind. With our fast-paced lives and crazy work schedules we rarely get to take time for ourselves to reboot. Fortunately, spending hours at an ashram or a week at a spa is not required. Yoga is the perfect practice to implement into your daily life, because you can experience its many benefits quickly. All it takes is 15 minutes a day for a sunnier disposition, heightened sex drive and a greater sense of well-being.
Here are five basic poses that will help you feel better in your own skin, and they don't take long if you want to include them in your daily routine!

1. Dolphin

1. Come into a straight-arm plank with wrists under shoulders and legs extended straight back. Keeping your hands in place, shift your hips up and back.

2. Point tailbone straight up to the ceiling, relax head and draw shoulders away from the ears. Press chest toward thighs, spread hands wide and begin to engage your core.

3. Hold for 10 deep breaths.

2. Warrior II

1. Stand with feet wider than hip-width. Turn right toes out and left toes inward at a 45-degree angle. Deeply bend right knee so thigh comes close to parallel with the ground. Keep left leg straight.

2. Extend arms directly out from shoulders and gaze over your right finger tips. Draw core in tight and stay low in the legs.

3. Hold for 10 deep breaths each side.

3. Triangle

1. Stand with feet wider than hip-width. Turn right toes out and left toes inward at a 45-degree angle. Keep both legs straight as your hinge at your hips toward the right leg. Draw your torso as far to the right as possible, maintaining length through your spine.

2. Place right hand above or below the knee and extend left arm directly above shoulder. Spin right hip forward and left hip back. Gaze toward the floor to stretch the neck.

3. Hold for 10 deep breaths each side.

4. Warrior III

1. Come into a lunge position with right foot forward (knee bent) and left foot back (straight leg). Hinge forward at your hips and bring torso close to parallel with the floor. At the same time, kick left leg up to hip-height, forming a straight line from the crown of your head to your toes.

2. Place both hands at heart center, draw belly button toward the spine and gaze a few inches in front of you.

3. Hold for 10 deep breaths each side.

5. Pigeon

 1. Come into a downward dog (see pose #1) with tailbone pointing toward the ceiling and hands pressing into the floor. Lift right leg up to hip height, then gently swing it forward. Bend right knee and lower leg onto the mat.

2. Try to get your shin close to parallel with the front of the mat and always keep foot flexed. Left leg stays straight. Fall forward over right shin and rest hands or forehead on the mat.

3. Hold for 10 deep breaths each side.

Artical Source:Nora Tobin

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